Networks are peer groups made up of staff employed in MACS member agencies. These groups have two primary ways of communicating regularly with one another, sharing information and resources in order to promote promising practices in the state.

Network participants share information and resources through:

  • Scheduled meetings
  • MACS-maintained e-mail listservs

In doing so, participants have relied on each other, and the group, for guidance and assistance in problem solving, developing and implementing policies, and related issues. Network participation provides member agency staff with quick and easy access to their peers.

Participants in the currently active networks have recently provided assistance to one another, or learned from experts, on many topics. If you would like to join a MACS Peer Network, please contact Renae Kosmides at Include the name of your agency and the name of the MACS Network you would like to join.

HR – Human Resource

The Human Resource (HR) peer network is comprised of HR professionals working in community developmental disability providers. This knowledgeable and generous group of human resource heroes typically meets the second Wednesday of every other month at 10 am.

QA – Quality Assurance

The Quality Assurance (QA) peer network meets to discuss quality, compliance and everything in between. This peer network Typically meets the second Wednesday of every other month at 1:30.


The Employment peer network typically meets the forth Thursday of every other month at 10 am. While the focus is on employment options, this peer network includes all meaningful day services.

Community Living

The Community Living peer network typically meets the first Wednesday of every other month at 10 am to share information, mandates and best practices related to community living, residential and personal supports services.


The Training Peer Network is opportunity for staff who¹s full time position is training or for whom training is part of their role. This peer network has responded to new training requirements by working collaboratively rather than each provider working individually on the same training. Meetings are typically the second Tuesday of every other month at 10 am.

CFO – Chief Financial Officer

The CFO Peer Network meets sporadically during the year focusing on all things fiscal. CFO designation is not required to participate; as with all our peer networks, any interested staff is invited to participate.

Behavior Support Services

The Behavior Support Services (BSS) peer network typically meets quarterly as an opportunity for staff who write, develop and implement behavior support services to share best practices, resources and barriers.


The Nursing peer network is the newest MACS peer network and offers nursing staff a forum to share best practices, resources and issues surrounding the topic of nursing and medical services. This peer network typically meets the first Friday of every other month.